The Saga of Cooper the Beagle Continues

A while ago we talked about Cooper the Beagle and his owners. The story was not only about the hidden fence but how sometimes the owners need training as well. Here is the latest update from Cooper’s furparents:
We acquired our beautiful Beagle puppy in February and within four months we were exhausted by his high energy and inquisitive nature. With no fencing on our large scenic river property he was on leash all the time. He awoke at 4:30 every morning and his first leash walk of the day was at 7:00 am followed by several more through the day and no options for running/cardio exercise. He was frustrated and so was I as I too was on leash for four months. I would load him into the vehicle and take him leash walking to the point it was a full time job.
Our yard while extra large was impossible to accommodate a physical fence. Property along the sides of the house is narrow, a large front yard is treed and on a busy highway, there is a steep bank at the back down to the Red River. How could we possibly preserve the beauty of our landscape at the same time as fencing an area to keep our little Beagle Cooper safe from risks and harm.
When we were introduced to Dogwatch Hidden Fences we were mesmerized. The smart fence technology would be a solution to all of our challenges. We ordered within an hour of meeting Reid Kenyon and our lives have become changed. It is a solution like no other.
Cooper trained quickly on the flags and knows every square inch of his yard. The Hidden Fence encompasses the entire house and he is free and off to hunt June bugs, run his Indy 500 racetrack style, noodle around looking for dandelions, follow us around when we are gardening or chill when we have a beverage on the deck. He is so happy, his little beagle face smiles when he runs and he shows off his moves. And he has starting sleeping to 5:45 instead of howling at 4:30 am to get up.
There is not a single day that goes by that we don’t express our gratitude for this Hidden Fence!
Continue to check back to see the continued saga and the success of this beautiful beagle.
There’s so many ways the hidden fence by Dogwatch can help enhance the lives of both you and your pup! Contact us today to find out more.