
Tag: Invisible Fence

September 3, 2021

A Day in the Life of a Dogwatch Dog

Hi! My name is Merf, you may have seen my introduction to the Dogwatch Fence Fur-eedom Club a while back. I know a bunch of my canine pals are curious about what it’s like to be part of the club. Well, let me tell you! I mean really, that smile just just say it all!

My fur-parents decided to get the fence put in as soon as the snow melted, when I was just a wee pup. Okay, I know, size-wise I’m still a wee pup. Back then I could hear them using all these weird words like FM frequency, range and they seemed really worried about whether they could even find something that fit my little frame. I mean back then I was only 7 lbs, but now I’m a whopping 13 lbs. Yep, I’m a big boy now.

So these guys showed up with this trailer and this weird noisy thing that did something to the ground. I know my Dad said it was pretty cool and my Mom was super psyched that she didn’t have to dig up an acre. I don’t know, I think she was missing out, you know how much fun that could be? Then this tall guy came, put a collar on me and starting trying to get me to go towards these white flags and I was like “Nope! Not happening!”. They used this word to describe me, it sounded like SMRT. So anyway, they left and my life truly began! Read full post