A Day in the Life of a Dogwatch Dog

Hi! My name is Merf, you may have seen my introduction to the Dogwatch Fence Fur-eedom Club a while back. I know a bunch of my canine pals are curious about what it’s like to be part of the club. Well, let me tell you! I mean really, that smile just just say it all!
My fur-parents decided to get the fence put in as soon as the snow melted, when I was just a wee pup. Okay, I know, size-wise I’m still a wee pup. Back then I could hear them using all these weird words like FM frequency, range and they seemed really worried about whether they could even find something that fit my little frame. I mean back then I was only 7 lbs, but now I’m a whopping 13 lbs. Yep, I’m a big boy now.
So these guys showed up with this trailer and this weird noisy thing that did something to the ground. I know my Dad said it was pretty cool and my Mom was super psyched that she didn’t have to dig up an acre. I don’t know, I think she was missing out, you know how much fun that could be? Then this tall guy came, put a collar on me and starting trying to get me to go towards these white flags and I was like “Nope! Not happening!”. They used this word to describe me, it sounded like SMRT. So anyway, they left and my life truly began!
All of a sudden I was going outside without being pulled back by that annoying leash, I was able to run free. So what’s a dog to do in that situation you ask? Zoomies of course! And off I went, around and around and around until I just couldn’t go anymore. I figured I would make the most of it while I had the chance. Turns out, I get that chance everyday! I’m so lucky my Mom has been home with me all summer, something about “working from home”. Not sure what that means, but for me it means when I’m bored I just attack her. I pull her arms away from the keyboard, I bark, I bring toys and be just generally annoying until she can’t take it anymore. Then she puts that collar on and out we go! There’s so much to do out there, chasing balls, barking at the neighbors, digging holes (I am a Terrier), but most of all chasing those horrible furballs called Squirrels. My nemesis. Somehow he learned just where to stand and chatter at me while staying just out of reach on the other side of the fence. But I’m smarter than he is cause there’s no way I’m going across that line. Don’t worry I’ll get him yet.
Then there’s my neighbor. He’s a Beagle and he also has a fence. We love to run up and down the property line together. Sometimes we’ll just lie down and stare at each other. Don’t be sad, we actually really get a kick out of it. I like to show off my frisbee skills to him so he knows what to do when he gets to try it.
All in all, it’s a good day to be a dog. I get to just hang out with my favorite people with all the freedom of exploring and enjoying without worrying about the highway traffic of the scary waves of the river. My parents smile and laugh a lot when they’re watching me so I’m guessing they like it too, it seems like they really trust me… or maybe it’s just the fence they trust. I sure hope this convinces my four legged friends out there that it’s an awesome option.